“I think everything I do is normal, not paranormal but normal. Its using the power of the mind to achieve whatever we can endure.”
“At this stage I am not involved with young adults as closely as many other writers. My children are grown up and my grandchildren are still quite young.”
“There are a sort of knight-errants in the world, who, quite contrary to those in romance, are perpetually seeking adventures to bring virgins into distress, and to ruin innocence. When men of rank and figure pass away their lives in these criminal pursuits and practices, they ought to consider that they render themselves more vile and despicable than any innocent man can be, whatever low station his fortune or birth have placed him in.”
“Even as water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character.”
“Priorities Are Like Arms; If You Think You Have More Than A Couple, You’re Either Lying Or Crazy.”
Source : Twitter post from Apr 10, 2009
“The more we remember that life is a gift-that everything changes, we're not in control-the stronger our sense of well-being becomes.”
“A mortgage casts a shadow on the sunniest field.”
“Of all the wastes of human ignorance perhaps the most extravagant and costly to human growth has been the waste of the distinctive powers of womanhood after the child-bearing age.”
Source : Anna Garlin Spencer (1908). “Woman's Share in Social Culture”