Source : "Wabi Sabi Love! A Q&A with Arielle Ford!". Interview with Mastin Kipp, January 24, 2013.
#Commitment Quotes #Responsibility Quotes #Acceptance Quotes
“Most of the humor comes from how outrageous the situations and circumstances are.”
“Just because something seems impossible doesn’t make it untrue,”
Source : Deborah Harkness (2014). “All Souls Trilogy”, p.159, Penguin
“Real life isn't required to be logical, but fiction has to make sense.”
Source : Leigh Michaels (2007). “On Writing Romance: How to Craft a Novel That Sells”, p.28, Writer's Digest Books
“Music is intended and designed for sentient beings that have hopes and purposes and emotions.”
Source : Jacques Barzun (1984). “Critical Questions: On Music and Letters, Culture and Biography, 1940-1980”, p.61, University of Chicago Press
Debbie Ford
Lynn Grabhorn
Marci Shimoff
Richard Maurice Bucke
Man of letters