Inspirational Celebrity famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The gratitude you receive from others is a reflection of your genius.

  • Dream big, as long as you do it in sync with your truth, with your heart, your brain. And you are not hurting anybody, go ahead and do it.

  • A batsman goes out and is then in until he gets out. This goes on until the last batsman is out, apart from one who is still in and therefore not out.

  • I suppose when I started playing guitar, it was the means to an end. I never thought of myself as a fully fledged guitar instrumentalist. And my early excursions on the electric guitar were curtailed when Eric Clapton came on the scene, and I decided I was never going to be in the same arena as a Clapton or a Peter Green.

  • Changing my name was traumatic for me.

  • It doesn't matter if you win or lose, until you lose.

  • You make the movie through the cinematography - it sounds quite a simple idea, but it was like a huge revelation to me.

  • Let us candidly admit that there are shameful blemishes on the American past, of which the worst by far is rum. Nevertheless, we have improved man's lot and enriched his civilization with rye, bourbon and the Martini cocktail. In all history has any other nation done so much?

  • The reason I often say, for me, photography is analogous to poetry, for my kind of work more so than journalism, is because it's so open to interpretation. And I'm very happy having different interpretations of it.

  • Some stones are so heavy only silence helps you carry them!