Doodling famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • There has been a lot of self-doubt and unwelcome events in my life.

  • Now I am going to speak a word and this is the word and here's the word. When the clock strikes 2.08. There are eight songs in the Bible. Noah started the world over with eight people. On the eighth day the Bible says Jesus appeared. Thomas because was not a believer but on the eighth day he showed up and Thomas was a believer. Actually Jesus was resurrected on the eighth day.

  • When you kill somebody in the movies, it matters, whereas in literature it can be allegorical.

  • Time, for all its smuggling in of new problems, conspicuously cancels others.

  • I did mostly good things, except light things on fire.

  • Within a lot of African-American households, I think, there's an idea that black men don't want to take an active participation in the lives of their children. That if they do, there has to be some sort of ulterior motive.

  • Innovation is all about people. Innovation thrives when the population is diverse, accepting and willing to cooperate.

  • Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training, and your own creative efforts.

  • Football doesn't build character, it reveals character.

  • The state of radio is not great. It's like playing the lottery. The chances of hitting are mind boggling slim.