Middle Aged famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Had the United States and the United Kingdom gone on alone to capture Baghdad, under the provisions of the Geneva and Hague conventions we would have been considered occupying powers and therefore would have been responsible for all the costs of maintaining or restoring government, education and other services for the people of Iraq.

  • I talk very slow. I move very slow. I definitely have that Southern drawl and although I never necessarily participated in the activities that go along with screw.I definitely was a huge fan of screw.Because melodically, I don't ever really sing very staccato or very fast. It's really about a groove; it's really about a vibe.

  • The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.

  • It is simply not part of my culture to preserve notes. I have never heard of a writer preserving his early drafts.

  • A sweet lie is more gracious for us than a virulent but real truth.

  • I have two sisters and a mother, obviously, so I grew up with a household of girls. Maybe I have a greater respect for women because of it.

  • Staff has a genius for sitting on its brains and coming up with perfect hindsight.

  • There are a great many opinions in this world, and a good half of them are professed by people who have never been in trouble.

  • You always fashioned yourself as the Empire’s harshest Fist, didn’t you, Korbolo Dom? As if cruelty’s a virtue…

  • If Pakistan feels Indian positions are pre-conditions, then there will be no talks.