Teenage Love famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Many of the rites of passage, those rituals of growing up found in our society, are in the form of such comic, practical joking affairs--which we ignore in the belief that they possess no deeper significance. Yet it is precisely in their being regarded as unimportant that they take on importance. For in them we ritualize and dramatize attitudes which contradict and often embarrass the sacred values which we proclaim through our solemn ceremonies and rituals of nationhood.

  • Well, is it pornography or is it art? Well as far as I'm concerned, the Mona Lisa is art.

  • I happen to be a huge 'Lord of the Rings' fan. I do an annual marathon of the extended editions.

  • Writing, not dancing, is the chosen form of expression of the white man.

  • The Revolution Cannot Triumph Without the Emancipation of Women

  • I will create value for society, rather than extract it.

  • A Stalin functionary admitted, Innocent people were arrested: naturally - otherwise no one would be frightened. If people were arrested only for specific misdemeanours, all the others would feel safe and so become ripe for treason.

  • I don't care who the president is - it isn't just all about who's black or who's white or who's Republican or Democrat, it's about who is for the betterment of people, period.

  • We're principled in the direction we're heading, but we're not going to be stubborn,

  • Anger is a divinely implanted emotion. Closely allied to our instinct for right, it is designed to be used for constructive spiritual purposes. The person who cannot feel anger at evil is a person who lacks enthusiasm for good. If you cannot hate wrong, it's very questionable whether you really love righteousness.