Northern Ireland famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • we have made an extraordinary transition. From moral absolutes to moral relativism. ... Moral problems become medical ones and yesterday's sinners become today's patients.

  • I had a brain cancer specialist sit in my living room and tell me that he would never take radiation if he had a brain tumor. And I asked him, 'but, do you send people for radiation?' and he said, of course. 'I'd be drummed out of the hospital if I didn't.

  • I don't drink milk, and I don't eat bread, pasta or rice. But I eat a lot of meat, chicken, fish and salads.

  • Turn the goddam music up! My heart feels like an alligator!

  • My favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley's GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.

  • When it comes to disputes before the World Trade Organization, we generally win.

  • The agony of a man's affliction is often necessary to put him into the right mood to face the fundamental things of life. The Psalmist says: "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept Thy Word.

  • Prayer is a grace through which we pour ourselves out before God and through which He calls us into His presence.

  • In this Year of Faith, we pray to the Lord that the Church may always be a true family that brings God’s love to everyone.

  • Movies are the biggest export in the world, the biggest American export. It influences people all over the world.