Better Late Than Never famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • It's a good addition. There are so many bad addictions. Better be addicted to shoes than something else

  • Children are the bearers of life in its simplest and most joyous form. Children are color-blind and still free of all the complications, greed, and hatred that will slowly be instilled in them through life.

  • Let's replace "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" with "Do unto others, after they show you they are worthy.

  • I don't believe people die from hard work. They die from stress and worry and fear - the negative emotions. Those are the killers, not hard work. The fact is, in our society today, most people don't understand what hard work is all about.

  • I did all sorts of cartoons and stuff. And every once in a while I still do. It's rare, but it happens.

  • Dance like it hurts. Love like you need money. Work when people are watching. -- Dogbert's Motto

  • Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support, a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.

  • Was it worth it? Feeling better for a minute or two, knowing that the cold would still be out there waiting?

  • We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.

  • I feel very strong as an individual, but as a famous footballer I know I am prone to certain things. All the media have a continuous interest for me. It varies from once a year to every day interest.