Walter Lewin famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Each individual creature on this beautiful planet is created by God to fulfil a particular role. Whatever I have achieved in life is through His help and an expression of His will. He showered His grace on me through some outstanding teachers and colleagues and when I pay my tributes to these fine persons, I am merely praising His glory. We are all born with a divine fire in us.

  • Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level.

  • Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.

  • All of life is education and everybody is a teacher and everybody is forever a pupil.

  • Criminals were coming to Chechnya from all over the world - they did not have a place in their own countries. But they could live perfectly well in Chechnya.

  • We enact many laws that manufacture criminals, and then a few that punish them.

  • The terrifying physics of going up-mast in heavy seas are inescapable.

  • Politics is more difficult than physics.

  • So far as physics is concerned, time's arrow is a property of entropy alone.

  • To the pure geometer the radius of curvature is an incidental characteristic - like the grin of the Cheshire cat. To the physicist it is an indispensable characteristic. It would be going too far to say that to the physicist the cat is merely incidental to the grin. Physics is concerned with interrelatedness such as the interrelatedness of cats and grins. In this case the "cat without a grin" and the "grin without a cat" are equally set aside as purely mathematical phantasies.