Wendy Wright famous quotes


  • It's every actor's dream to work in a hit show on Broadway and also shoot a television show.

  • The environmentalist's dream is an egalitarian society based on: rejection of economic growth, a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally.

  • Doing Shakespeare in the Park has always been a dream. Everyone else says Hamlet, but I want to play Romeo.

  • Prime Minister Sharon, Prime Minister Abbas, I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction, annihilation and occupation, and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace, prosperity and coexistence.

  • For peace and brotherhood, I am ready to serve the Turkish state, and I believe that for this end I must remain alive.

  • It was all I had, all I've ever had, the only currency, the only proof that I was alive. Memory.

  • Comforters for our todays / Guardians of memories / Keeping our youth and yesterdays alive / Comrades with one history.

  • It (taking photographs) is all about longingwithout longing-no pictures at all.

  • Art is born and takes hold wherever there is a timeless and insatiable longing for the spiritual.

  • The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure.