Jewell Jackson McCabe famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The worst sorrows in life are not in its losses and misfortunes, but its fears.

  • Reality is like a fruitcake; pretty enough to look at but with all sorts of nasty things lurking just beneath the surface.

  • The language itself is what gets me interested in writing. It's weird to me that words exist. Never a dull moment with words. They're a layer between our minds and the physical reality around us, obviously, but the layer seems like it's always in flux, like an asteroid belt, constantly moving.

  • Some, while deploring animal abuses, on the same breath approve 'benefits to humans from certain animal abuses'! Who would criticize the Jewish holocaust or Black slavery, and YET praise the benefits to Germans or Whites??? This convenient ambiguity at the expense of animals is unacceptable!!!

  • Black smoke, the flickering sister of fire.

  • The only difference is now more young black men are in the spotlight.

  • Your twenties are the time to both accept and fight your way into the person you're destined to become.

  • Permit us to labor on in obscurity, and at the end of twenty years you may hear from us again.

  • ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five-year period.

  • For me writing is so perplexing, because if we were playing ping pong and we weren't writing - twenty years later you'd be just so much better at ping pong and this confidence with ping pong.