Andrew Gillum famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • There is a strong demand for Michael Jackson's music and merchandise, and that will only increase as more material surfaces in the years following his death.

  • The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of the clearest reason and if systematically executed represents the most humane act of mankind.

  • Supply and demand regulate architectural form.

  • The well understood equity as well as interest of society demand that we work on much more to prevent crime and offenses than to punish them.

  • If we go to church we are confronted with a system of begging so complicated and so resolute that all other demands sink into insignificance by its side.

  • All I ever did was supply a demand that was pretty popular.

  • When energy prices go up, the difficulty of projecting demand also goes up - uncertainty goes up.

  • One of the marks of a truly great mind, I had discovered, is the ability to feign stupidity on demand.

  • In every rebellion is to be found the metaphysical demand for unity, the impossibility of capturing it, and the construction of a substitute universe.

  • Authentic Christian Preaching carries a note of authority and a demand for decisions not found elsewhere in society.

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