Mark Waters famous quotes


  • If a boxer ever went as crazy as Nijinsky all the wowsers in the world would be screaming 'punch-drunk.' Well, who hit Nijinsky? And why isn't there a campaign against ballet? It gives girls thick legs

  • When I saw the plane, I was absolutely astonished! Two emotions crashed over me: surging joy and crazy fear.

  • I listen to crazy, robust rock music where they sing their faces off, and soul music, which can be similar.

  • Can I see some ID?" "WE DON'T HAVE ID," said Jay, loudly. "'CAUSE WE'RE CANADIAN. WE DON'T USE ID...THERE. AND THAT'S WHY WE LOOK SO YOUNG. 'CAUSE WE'RE CANADIAN." Doug stiffened. Jay sounded crazy. Doug tried looking extra sane to even things out.

  • The stuff that I write doesn't work very well as background music. You have to watch it from beginning to end and pay attention as if you were watching a play.

  • There is no kind of experience in which a Christian has a right to refuse to praise God, for 'all things work together for good to them that love God.'

  • I know this because I understand now what love really feels like. The kind that consumes you. Love holds the power to break you. It holds the power to complete you.

  • What I had to say was, in general, I'm not really a fan of any one genre of any kind of film.

  • Big writers become a kind of shared climate.

  • I think you kind of have to put yourself out there.