'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The Bible says, 'The truth shall make you free.' But let's not forget it was Spiro Agnew who said that a good lie will keep you out of jail in the first place.

  • Listen to your heart and not your ego. Your ego prompts you to boast of vain assertions to obtain the glory of this world. Turn away from vanity and seek Him in the recesses of your heart and soul

  • When the inward is good the outward is also inevitably so, for the outward always follows the inward, whether good or evil.

  • I studied adab for thirty years and I studied knowledge for twenty years.

  • Be content with what you have Be satisfied with your dwelling place to accommodate your enterprise, Restrain your tongue, And shed tears of regret regarding past sins you committed knowingly, and those you do not recognize.

  • Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.

  • Sometimes,' said Pooh, 'the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

  • May God so fill us today with the heart of Christ that we may glow with the divine fire of holy desire.

  • The safe place lies in obedience to God's Word, singleness of heart and holy vigilance.

  • Because I liked you better Than suits a man to say, It irked you, and I promised I'd throw the thought away. To put the world between us We parted stiff and dry: 'Farewell,' said you, 'forget me.' 'Fare well, I will,' said I. If e'er, where clover whitens The dead man's knoll, you pass, And no tall flower to meet you Starts in the trefoiled grass, Halt by the headstone shading The heart you have not stirred, And say the lad that loved you Was one that kept his word.