Classified famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • There's the South Pole, said Christopher Robin, and I expect there's an East Pole and a West Pole, though people don't like talking about them.

  • We must see what in the Israeli identity - in the Israeli - we can give to other people rather than speaking so often of taking, expanding territory.

  • The question of boundaries is a major question of the Jewish people because the Jews are the great experts of crossing boundaries. They have a sense of identity inside themselves that doesn't permit them to cross boundaries with other people.

  • The bells they sound on Bredon, And still the steeples hum. "Come all to church, good people"- Oh, noisy bells, be dumb; I hear you, I will come.

  • I want the love that cannot help but love; Loving, like God, for very sake of love.

  • One can't have it both ways and both ways is the only way I want it.

  • People should pay more attention. Everyone wants attention, but no one wants to give attention.

  • Today I am in control because I want to be. I have my fingers on the switch, but have lived a lifetime ignoring the control I have over my own world. Today is different.

  • I want people to remember me as a full on entertainer and a good person.

  • If you want to go to the mall, you have to take security. But it's always cool. The kids are amazing.

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