Drew Miller famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Reality is like a fruitcake; pretty enough to look at but with all sorts of nasty things lurking just beneath the surface.

  • Louis de Bernires is in the direct line that runs through Dickens and Evelyn Waugh. . .he has only to look into his world, one senses, for it to rush into reality, colours and touch and taste.

  • The brands with which we surround ourselves prop us up, make us feel sexy and beautiful, when in reality we're pretty dumpy creatures.

  • We hope we're better. The reality is we had a pretty darn good team last year. But you can't just throw your gloves out there and be good again. We want to take that next step as a team.

  • We fear our highest possibility. We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments.

  • Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or changed.

  • Traditional television as we have known it will make love to the Internet and have a child. That child will be the future. It's already happening, and it's hot!

  • No matter how hot the fire burns, a Protea always survives

  • I was not the hot, popular girl in school.

  • You know most of the food that Americans hold so dear - things like hamburgers and hot dogs - were road food, but even before they were road food, they were peasant food.

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