Patrick Skene Catling famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • I love cakes. Chocolate and coconut cakes. I love that combination!

  • Fashion is instinctive and sensual. Learn to love what you wear. It should feel like eating chocolates...wi thout the calories

  • I love Cheetos, those hot, spicy kind. And chocolate. Every time I'm in the airport I'm buying Cheetos and eating them on the airplane.

  • I love chocolate. I like milk and dark chocolate, but definitely not white.

  • My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex.

  • If I had to give up cheese or chocolate, I'd give up chocolate in a heartbeat.

  • God isn't chocolate, he's the encounter between chocolate and the palate capable of appreciating it.

  • I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, one as hated as the other.

  • The easier an experience, or the more entrenched, or the more familiar, the fainter our sensation of it becomes. This is true of chocolate and marriages and hometowns and narrative structures. Complexities wane, miracles become unremarkable, and if we're not careful, pretty soon we're gazing out at our lives as if through a burlap sack.

  • It's not exactly under the radar, but when I'm in London, I love to visit Liberty. It's my favorite department store, and they have a room entirely dedicated to chocolate and truffles.

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