Melanie Muller famous quotes
Last updated: Sep 5, 2024
I love being naked. I'm a free spirit.
Australians have a free spirit and an ability to think outside the box, and that is why I like Australia so much.
A few years ago, I bought an old red bicycle with the words Free Spirit written across its side - which is exactly what I felt like when I rode it down the street in a tie-dyed dress.
I am living breathing freedom.
I will follow my instincts, and be myself for good or ill.
There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are on the left and right. They are not confined to a single part of the society. They are terrorists of the mind.
Some temptations cannot be fought. One must close one's mind and fly from them
It seems increasingly dogs are attacking humans in response to their slavery... AND, wildlife in captivity are also attacking their enslavers AND the public... Their messages are loud and clear: LET US OUT AND LEAVE US ALONE!!!
After being in captivity for so long, I can't begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be home in Canada.
We are responsible for our captivity to sin. In our foolishness, we forget God. However, God intervenes!