Ted Baillieu famous quotes


  • Some people care too much. I think it's called love.

  • Love shouldn't make our choices for us; it should just add importance to our choices.

  • If I say your voice is an amber waterfall in which I yearn to burn each day, if you eat my mouth like a mystical rose with powers of healing and damnation, If I confess that your body is the only civilization I long to experience… would it mean that we are close to knowing something about love?

  • There's a beauty to forgiveness, especially forgiveness that goes beyond rationality. Unconditional love is an illogical notion, but such a great & powerful one

  • Love is a sensation caused by temptation when a guy sticks his location into a girl's destination to increase the population for the next generation. Do you understand my explanation or do you need a demonstration?

  • Actors, we like stories, we like storytelling, we love being a part of the story, and if you give us a story that's interesting then we'll want to do it.

  • For us who choose our dreams over our love the only thing we can do for love is perhaps to release the lock around our necks. Through that, the pain may vanish.

  • Deliver thunder, God If you choose not to talk.

  • The danger from lightning is gone when the thunder is heard, and the worst is over when misfortune has arrived.

  • If the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will.

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