Elizabeth A. Johnson famous quotes
Whether consciously or not, sexist God language undermines the human equality of women made in the divine image and likeness.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
the way in which a faith community shapes language about God implicity represents what it takes to be the highest good, the profoundest truth, the most appealing beauty. ... While officially it is rightly and consistently said that God is spirit and so beyond identification with either male or female sex, yet the daily language of preaching, worship, catechesis, and instruction conveys a different message: God is male, or at least more like a man than a woman, or at least more fittingly addressed as male than as female.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
Benevolent patriarchy is still patriarchy.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
Woven into our lives is the very fire from the stars and the genes from the sea creatures, and everyone, utterly everyone, is kin in the radiant tapestry of being. This relationship is not external or extrinsic to our identity but wells up as the defining truth from our deepest being.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
As history shows, dead metaphors make good idols.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
Spiritually, trees play a unique role in the Jewish and Christian scriptures, from the Garden of Eden to the Cross of Christ. Biologically, in great forest communities, they help sustain life on our planet, giving off oxygen, anchoring soil, keeping stream and rivers clear, and providing habitation for thousands of species. How can religious persons not care about the widespread destruction of these creatures of God? We need to love them as our very selves, as neighbors in earth's community of life.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
I quickly realized that more than any other vegetable, the potato evokes strong reactions in people. As the head of communications for the International Potato Centre in Peru put it, 'No one gets worked up over lettuce like they do the potato.'
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson -
Those who die relearn or remember The secrets of life that they forgot at birth.
-- Elizabeth A. Johnson
All the Muslims are happy, and Godwilling this earthquake... will be felt right up to the White House.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God ... and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
Act averse to nasty language and partial to fruity tea.
When a monkey nibbles on a weenis, it's funny in any language.
It's still a pretty sexist world out there and someone's got to stand up and say something.
You know, it's a very sexist society, Indonesia.
I think Obama was terribly sexist.
I'm a woman, but I've been a sexist, too.
People are actually having conversations about "Is this sexist?"
Thomas Jefferson once said, "Women shouldn't wrinkle their pretty little foreheads with politics." Now does that mean he was a sexist, or was he just expressing what most males, and maybe most females, felt at that time? Or are both true?
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