Jennifer Esposito famous quotes


  • The death of any man aged 56 is very sad for his widow and family. And no one would deny that Steve Jobs was a brilliant and highly innovative technician, with great business flair and marketing ability.

  • You have to enjoy your job; you should wake up every day and love what you do... I honestly do... From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul. I'm truly happy.

  • Sometimes things are the way they are and can't be changed, other times it's because no one ever tried. Your job is to find the latter.

  • An artist’s job is to captivate… if we stumble into truth, we got lucky.

  • The best compliment was Ben Kingsley coming up to me, putting his hand on the back of my neck, and saying, "Good job, son.".

  • Rent' was my first professional job, ever.

  • I knew not to give the best of myself to the worst of people.

  • I have lived the American dream. Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days.

  • Let whatever is going to happen to me happen. I'm expecting the worst for myself and I'm resigned to it.

  • I'm my own worst critic, and if I don't pull off what I think I wanted to do in my head, then I won't be a happy girl.