John Barlas famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Awake, awake, my Lyre!And tell thy silent master's humble taleIn sounds that may prevail;Sounds that gentle thoughts inspire:Though so exalted sheAnd I so lowly beTell her, such different notes make all thy harmony.

  • the tea-hour is the hour of peace ... strife is lost in the hissing of the kettle - a tranquilizing sound, second only to the purring of a cat.

  • Lists are a form of power.

  • The idea that media is there to educate us, or to inform us, is ridiculous because that's about tenth or eleventh on their list.

  • A major celebrity is a major brand, and major brands pick very critically what other brands they're going to associate with. So an A-list celebrity usually picks an A-list brand.

  • Lists are how I parse and manage the world.

  • Besides, when I read the list of people who are supporting Kerry, if I wasn't already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that's a good reason right there to vote for Bush.

  • I have everything in my house organized to an unnecessary T, and I love it! The only downside: I have no excuses for losing my to-do lists.

  • This day's nothingness as if from spite became a flame and scorched the lips of children and poets.

  • I keep lip gloss everywhere. It always makes me feel like I am slightly put together.