Stewart Jackson famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • If you've driven over to the gay section of Los Angeles, it's like a golf course... Real estate values go 'boom!'

  • I can single handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired. Trust me, you're born with it. My brother is gay, and we knew when he was two.

  • It is impossible, Bible in hand, to limit Christ's Church to one's own little community. It is everywhere, in all parts of the world; and whatever its external form, frequently changing, often impure, yet the gifts wherever received increase our riches.

  • The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but can not do at all, or can not so well do, for themselves – in their separate, and individual capacities.

  • An evil nature wielding great authority brings misfortune upon the community.

  • I am the last person who would divide Jerusalem. I have said this many times. I don't plan to discuss any division of Jerusalem.

  • We remember the specter of sectarian violence -- al Qaeda's attacks on mosques and pilgrims, militias that carried out campaigns of intimidation and campaigns of assassination. And in the face of ancient divisions, you stood firm to help those Iraqis who put their faith in the future.

  • There is no division nor subtraction in the heart-arithmetic of a good mother. There are only addition and multiplication.

  • ...Obama said, 'I welcome debate among my team, but I won't tolerate division'.

  • When profits are pursued by geographic interchange of goods, so that commerce for profit becomes the central mechanism of the system, we usually call it "commercial capitalism." In such a system goods are conveyed from ares where they are more common (and therefore cheaper) to areas where they are less common (and therefore less cheap). This process leads to regional specialization and to division of labor, both in agricultural production and in handicrafts.

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