Jersey Joe Walcott famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Well madam, have you looked in the mirror and seen the state of your nose? Boxing is my excuse. What's yours?

  • British conversation is like a game of cricket or a boxing match; personal allusions are forbidden like hitting below the belt, and anyone who loses his temper is disqualified.

  • Both guys ran out of gas, only my guy had an extra tank.

  • In all my years in boxing I'd never known such heat

  • This kid deserves anything good that happens to him. He's such a good guy. He's just the nicest human being you want to meet.

  • The match would have to be made at 165 pounds. Sean can't make 160 any more, even though he's drinking lite beer these days

  • Miss: A title with which we brand unmarried women to indicate that they are in the market. Miss, Misses (Mrs.) and Mister (Mr.) are the three most distinctly disagreeable words in the language, in sound and sense.

  • Well, executive producer can mean anything in the world of Hollywood, sadly. It can be a bought title in many instances.

  • You can have whatever you want if you believe in yourself and keep your feet firmly planted in the ground.

  • One can't have it both ways and both ways is the only way I want it.

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