Harry Blackstone, Sr. famous quotes


  • The highest summit of spiritual perfection is knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

  • One must execute devotional service under the guidance of a devotee or directly under the guidance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not possible, however, to train oneself without guidance from the spiritual master.

  • A team should be an extension of a coach's personality. My teams are arrogant and obnoxious.

  • There's a little bit of magic in every box!

  • Magic likes a good tragedy, too.

  • I've been in the studio when you go through a track and you run down a track and you know even before the singer starts singing, you know the track is swinging ... you know you have a multimillion-seller hit - and what you're working on suddenly has magic,

  • If you would bring the magic out of your mind - the magic which will transform everything - you must believe.

  • My idea of a real treat is Magic Mountain without standing in line.

  • What you are will show, ultimately. Start now, every day, becoming, in your actions, your regular actions, what you would like to become in the bigger scheme of things.

  • You get to the point where your demons, which are terrifying, get smaller and smaller and you get bigger and bigger.