Dexter Romweber famous quotes


  • Less than the dust beneath thy chariot wheel, less than the weed that grows beside thy door.

  • Like all real treasures of the mind, perception can be split into infinitely small fractions without losing its quality. The weeds in a city lot convey the same lesson as the redwoods; the farmer may see in his cow-pasture what may not be vouchsafed to the scientist adventuring in the South Seas.

  • I think being on Weeds, in general, makes it hard to think of me as Nemo anymore.

  • Every theory in medicine, if medicine is to remain healthy, must be beaten out on the anvil of skepticism. So do we weed out charlatanism.

  • I agree that ***** laws are overdue for an overhaul. I also favor the medical use of ***** -- if it's prescribed by a physician. I cannot understand why the federal government should interfere with the doctor-patient relationship, nor why it would ignore the will of a majority of voters who have legally approved such legislation.

  • It is not a medicine. You don't know what's in it. If there were compelling scientific and medical data supporting marijuana's medical benefits that would be one thing. But the data is not there.

  • Our constitution, in short, is a judge-made constitution, and it bears on its face all the features, good and bad, of judge-made law.

  • Law that shocks equity is reason's murderer.

  • After the war, prompted by the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, I entered Parliament so that a priest could speak out for the poor, as canon law at that time still permitted.

  • This sense of wonder leads most scientists to a Superior Being - der Alte, the Old One, as Einstein affectionately called the Deity - a Superior Intelligence, the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law.

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