James Byron Bissett famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Observe the world around you everything you do, and especially everything you hate to do.

  • Toby Zeigler: There's literally no one in the world I don't hate right now.

  • I think Islam has been hijacked by the idea that all Muslims are terrorists; that Islam is about hate, about war, about jihad - I think that hijacks the spirituality and beauty that exists within Islam. I believe in allowing Islam to be seen in context and in its entirety and being judged on what it really is, not what you think it is.

  • Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would be taken away from you.

  • O you who complain to people about your misfortunes, what good will it do you to complain to creatures? They can bring you neither benefit nor harm. If you rely on them and associate partners with the Lord of the Truth, they will make you distant from Him, cause you to fall into His displeasure.

  • The sweetness of this life is found in remembering Allah; the sweetness of the next life will be found in seeing Him.

  • Equality is the heart and essence of democracy, freedom, and justice, equality of opportunity in industry, in labor unions, schools and colleges, government, politics, and before the law. There must be no dual standards of justice, no dual rights, privileges, duties, or responsibilities of citizenship. No dual forms of freedom.

  • Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait.

  • But then, even with sex, I'm more in the school of less is more in movies.

  • I'm not good for you. I don't know why you make me want you so bad. I was angry with myself when I said all that earlier. I was mad because I wanted you in a way I'd never experienced before. Before you, I just wanted to excel in football and school. I wanted my parents to be proud of me. But now, I want other things too. You get to me in a way I don't understand

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