Walter D. Asmus famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Nobody ever forgets their first night in the bush. It's among the precious, meagre handful of life firsts that remain indelible.

  • I'm a bit of an insomniac. I go to bed at 5am because I get caught up in watching TV or listening to music at night.

  • Misuse of reason might yet return the world to pre-technological night; plenty of religious zealots hunger for just such a result, and are happy to use the latest technology to effect it.

  • I'm nothing you can catch now. I am black powder, I am singe, I am the bomb that bursts the night.

  • Coughing in the theater is not a respiratory ailment. It is a criticism.

  • Acting touches nerves you have absolutely no control over.

  • Best performance of the year: Aston Villa v. Milan, September 1994

  • Act well your part, there all the honour lies.

  • The entire universe is a great theatre of mirrors.

  • Certain actors wanna get paid, they think working in a low-budget movie is being ripped off. But for others it's like, 'Yes, let's do it.'

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