Liu Xia famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • All my life I have had a choice of hate and love. I chose love and I am here

  • I think Islam has been hijacked by the idea that all Muslims are terrorists; that Islam is about hate, about war, about jihad - I think that hijacks the spirituality and beauty that exists within Islam. I believe in allowing Islam to be seen in context and in its entirety and being judged on what it really is, not what you think it is.

  • I hate the color red almost as much as i hate blond hair,"he said with an amused tone. -Dank

  • Steadfastness is a noble quality, but unguided by knowledge or humility, it becomes rashness, or obstinacy.

  • Playing the game I have learned the meaning of humility. It has given me an understanding of futility of the human effort.

  • There is greatness in the fear of God, contentment in faith of God, and honour in humility.

  • Pride works frequently under a dense mask, and will often assume the garb of humility.

  • We can express our worship to God in many ways. But if we love the Lord and are led by His Holy Spirit, our worship will always bring a delighted sense of admiring awe and a sincere humility on our part.

  • I know I'm capable of greatness, and I'm expecting to reach that level.

  • Read for yourselves, read for the sake of your inspiration, for the sweet turmoil in your lovely head. But also read against yourselves, read for questioning and impotence, for despair and erudition... and also read those whose darkness or malice or madness or greatness you can't understand because only in this way will you grow, outlive yourself, and become what you are.

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