Susumu Tonegawa famous quotes
When Christ at Cana's feast by pow'r divine, Inspir'd cold water, with the warmth of wine, See! cry'd they while, in red'ning tide, it gush'd, The bashful stream hath seen its God and blush'd.
I've often said that my rats have taught me much more than I've taught them.
I actually wanted to be a doctor. But doing all those horrid rat dissections made me faint. I studied science till the 12th standard and later took up commerce. I was planning to do chartered accountancy, but fate had something else in store for me.
I had mice that I kept as pets when I was very young, and I've always liked the way they look. Even rats. I'm not scared of them.
I'm not a theater rat, so I never got a theatrical agent and did a play. I came really close though.
Once I left out what I then considered my best line because there was a suspected column rat in the house.
LeopÂards break inÂto the temÂple and drink all the sacÂriÂfiÂcial vesÂsels dry; it keeps hapÂpenÂing; in the end, it can be calÂcuÂlatÂed in adÂvance and is inÂcorÂpoÂratÂed inÂto the ritÂual.
A-well-a, splish, splash, I forgot about the bath, I went and put my dancing shoes on.
People were so cheap there... they ate beans to save on bubble bath.
Existentialism means that no one else can take a bath for you.
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