Randall Rothenberg famous quotes


  • I mean, the problem is, I think I'm a great writer.

  • We must break problems down into small, digestible bits. We must define the concepts that we use and explain what components they consist of. We must tackle small problems.

  • I have talked with representatives from the two other parties who said they had no problem with the offer either.

  • Science, in the very act of solving problems, creates more of them.

  • The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it.

  • Like putting a name to my problems would solve anything

  • I just talk a lot, that's the problem.

  • I see myself as a recovering journalist.

  • Start with local press first. Start with people you know. Don't pitch every journalist.

  • The curse of a journalist is that he always has more questions than answers.