Albert Lutuli famous quotes


  • Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work.

  • I very much dislike the intolerance and moralism of many Christians, and feel more sympathy with Honest Doubters than with them.

  • A heathen philosopher once asked a Christian, 'Where is God'? The Christian answered, 'Let me first ask you, Where is He not?'

  • Matt Hock was the first person who showed me how much fun and how cool it can be to be a Christian,

  • Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.

  • As an artist I would like to eliminate the symbolic pretty much, for black is interesting not as a color but as a non-color and as the absence of color.

  • There is no old Adam Young, there is no new Adam Young, merely different colors and different brushstrokes over the same canvas.

  • Writing music is like tasting the sky. It keeps me dreaming in color.

  • I use color in terms of emotional quality, as a vehicle for feeling... feeling is everything I have experienced or thought.

  • They're keeping friction going between people from the East and the West. One thing we all got in common is your color, which is Black and Latino, which is our family.

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