John D. Arnold famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • A false idea is not only one which is absolutely subjective but one which is absolutely objective.

  • I tried the paleo diet, which is the caveman diet - lots of meat. And I tried the calorie restriction diet: The idea is that if you eat very, very little - if you're on the verge of starvation, you will live a very long time, whether or not you want to, of course.

  • The man with but one idea in his head is sure to exaggerate that to top-heaviness, and thus he loses his equilibrium.

  • My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc. You have less bias.

  • A disaster where marble has been substituted for imagination.

  • Imagination is the Discovering Faculty, pre-eminently ... It is that which feels & discovers what is, the REAL which we see not, which exists not for our senses... Mathematical science shows what is. It is the language of unseen relations between things... Imagination too shows what is ... Hence she is or should be especially cultivated by the truly Scientific, those who wish to enter into the worlds around us!

  • Can art be completely invented? It's a matter of shaping reality with the help of imagination.

  • Arthur V. Berger commenting on the music of Aaron Copland: Here is at last an American that we may place unapologetically beside the great recognized creative figures of any other country.

  • Speaking of sleeping bags, has anything ever had a less creative name?

  • There just is exponentially more money in the movie business than in the music business. As a result there are more people involved in the creative process.