Guy Doud famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Extremists, who thrive on conflict; who do not tolerate diversity; who seek power through division and destruction. The global system they hope to create is one of new walls and new isolation, and radically smaller horizons. It is an anti-democratic, anti-economic-growth, and anti-progress agenda.

  • True love has nothing to do with liking someone, agreeing with him or her or being compatible. It is a love of unity, a love of seeing God wearing all the masks, and recognising itself in them all. With this love you can feel the walls of opposition come down naturally in the acknowledgement of deep connection. Not only do the walls of opposition fall, but love is felt for every human being and for life itself.

  • The way to get things out of a government is to back them to the wall, put your hands to their throats, and you will get all they have.

  • The heart wants who the heart wants. We can't help that.

  • Where I am ignorant, Lord, teach me. Where I am wrong, Lord, correct me. Where I am right, Lord, confirm me.

  • What Conscience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do; This teach me more than Hell to shun, That more than Heav'n pursue.

  • Clearly older women and especially older women who have led an active life or elder women who successfully maneuver through their own family life have so much to teach us about sharing, patience, and wisdom.

  • Zen teaches that once we can open up to the inevitability of our demise, we can begin to transform that situation and lighten up about it.

  • It is better to teach a few things perfectly than many things indifferently.

  • The teacher who knows the most about a subject isn't necessarily the one who can teach it best.

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