William Bernard Ullathorne famous quotes


  • Some of my academic friends think Ive fallen from a very special grace.

  • Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.

  • It is the grace of God, that shows and condemns the sin that humbles us.

  • The gayety of life, like the beauty and the moral worth of life, is a saving grace, which to ignore is folly, and to destroy is crime. There is no more than we need; there is barely enough to go round.

  • Do we recognize the platform that Indian cinema has been given? Of course. And typically India of us, we gracefully acknowledge our host's grace and we thank you for celebrating us and our cinema.

  • Because life is complicated and difficult. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't truly lived.

  • The last day of your life is still going to be a day.

  • As you love God and serve Him, you will undoubtedly experience the greatest adventure life has to offer.

  • God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.

  • It is not necessary to have great things to do. I turn my little omelet in the pan for the love of God.