Emily Yoffe famous quotes
I'm not a big advocate of living together before marriage. It can be the right thing, but it can also leave two people stuck together who haven't figured out what they really want out of the relationship.
-- Emily Yoffe -
I think it's helpful for kids to know that their parents weren't perfect, that they messed up and learned from their mistakes. So be open about some of your own struggles or express gratitude that your kids are taking advantage of the opportunities they have instead of squandering many of them, the way you did.
-- Emily Yoffe -
I am against lying, but just because someone asks a question does not mean you have to answer it.
-- Emily Yoffe -
I'm certainly not suggesting legalization of polyamory. But it's also unfairly judgmental of you to compare such relationships to the criminal acts of ***** or child sexual abuse.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Polygamy has an ancient history and is legal in many parts of the world. I find the rules of polygamy to be damaging and it's potentially dangerous to young girls and terrible for "excess" boys. But polyamory is supposed to be a more equal arrangement among agreeing adults.
-- Emily Yoffe -
When you expand the definition of marriage beyond one man and one woman, society can expect other consenting adults in other configurations to say that their choices deserve recognition.
-- Emily Yoffe -
I understand polyamory is different from polygamy, and doesn't share the latter's rigid and noxious views that men run the show and are the only ones allowed multiple partners.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Obama's major accomplishment is himself. This can be an effective argument to make to undecided voters and something Obama has to artfully address.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Keep in mind that when you tell people to come see you, they might not get the idea about when it's time to leave.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Don't underestimate the power of the nonplussed look and the shake of the head. Letting noxious words hang in the air can be very powerful.
-- Emily Yoffe -
As far as types preferring other types, people of the same type can understand each others' perspective very well, but also drive each other crazy because they see their flaws magnified.
-- Emily Yoffe -
If you look at books that describe the 16 personality types, you can see how different they are from each other.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Extreme picky eaters may have what's called Selective Eating Disorder. People with this experience physical and psychological discomfort over certain tastes, smells, textures.
-- Emily Yoffe -
When you're dealing with an in-law violation, I think the first line of defense is for the blood relation to have a serious talk.
-- Emily Yoffe -
Interfering, judgmental, and disrespectful mothers-in-law are common complaints.
-- Emily Yoffe
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