Jamie Glazov famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I'm really not that good at Guitar Hero!

  • If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women.

  • Holiness of heart and life. This is not the perfection of the human nature, but the holiness of the divine nature dwelling within.

  • The safe place lies in obedience to God's Word, singleness of heart and holy vigilance.

  • A divided heart loses both worlds.

  • Familiarize yourselves with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them. Accustomed to trample on the rights of others, you have lost the genius of your own independence and become the fit subjects of the first cunning tyrant who rises among you.

  • And then, the negro being doomed, and damned, and forgotten, to everlasting bondage, is the white man quite certain that the tyrant demon will not turn upon him too?

  • Modern man no longer regards Nature as in any sense divine and feels perfectly free to behave toward her as an overweening conqueror and tyrant.

  • The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.

  • In this, our age of infamy Man's choice is but to be A tyrant, traitor, prisoner: No other choice has he.