Inge de Bruijn famous quotes


  • The virtue of achievement is victory over oneself. Those who know this can never know defeat.

  • Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.

  • If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

  • Science, in the very act of solving problems, creates more of them.

  • Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

  • A hero would die for his country, but he'd much rather live for it.

  • You are talking to a leftist. I believe in the redistribution of wealth and power in the world. I believe in universal hospital care for everyone. I believe that we should not have a single homeless person in the richest country in the world. And I believe that we should not have a C.I.A. that goes around overwhelming governments and assassinating political leaders, working for tight oligarchies around the world to protect the tight oligarchy here at home.

  • It's been a straight strip, I must tell you, I've enjoyed it all the way. If I'm saying things to make it sound like it's hard, hard work, it's not. It's beautiful work. It's fun work. It's everything you'd ever want to do.

  • The monarchy that I hand over to my son is not going to be the same one that I have inherited. ... There is a tendency by a lot of officials to hide behind the king. And it's about time that officials take their responsibility and are responsible in front of the people. Because today, if you're appointed by the king, they don't feel that they're responsible for the people. If you have a government that is elected, they need to do the hard work — because if they don't, they won't be around the next time the ballot box is open.

  • You see, God helps only people who work hard. That principle is very clear.

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