Storm Saulter famous quotes
We just need a strong female perspective, especially in the world now...when the degrading of women has become such a popular thing.
-- Storm Saulter -
I went back to Jamaica after living in New York and started to work on experimental stuff and basically I grew as a filmmaker. I went to film school; I was a PA on a lot of projects and I worked so hard, you know, you're young and I learned from different mentors. And luck put me in the position to work with amazing people. One of my mentors by the name of Little X, who took me under his wing after I came out of film school and moved to New York. I worked in videos for Jay-Z, Pharrell to Busta Rhymes and Wyclef. I quickly realized how much I wanted to make films instead of music videos.
-- Storm Saulter -
I'm most alive when I'm on set. Whether I'm imagining it on my head, I know what I want to capture.
-- Storm Saulter -
As a young filmmaker, I shot a lot of stuff because I wanted to make sure that I got everything, but now I've gotten much more precise with my shooting. Editing is a whole other layer because then, sometimes you realize characters don't even need to say this or that. It becomes an issue of exposition, and over-explaining something. In the script, I'd reinforce certain things about what I wanted people to know two or three times, but in the editing room, I'd be like, "I only need to say this once, maybe twice."
-- Storm Saulter -
A lot of the times the first take was the best, because the actors are not analyzing themselves as much; they just do it. I believe in happy accidents and I'm not necessarily into actors getting the dialogue exactly as I wrote it; I'm much more into them understanding the motivations and have it come out in a natural way, and maybe catch something that I didn't expect.
-- Storm Saulter -
You can rely on your team to do their jobs, but you have to carry the torch and do anything you need to, not just to shoot and finish, but to get the film seen. You have to know within yourself that you're going to have to take this. Don't sit back and think other people in your team are going to make it happen now because you've done your part. You have to carry that torch, and no one is going to care as much as you do, and nobody is going to live with it as long as you are because it's your film.
-- Storm Saulter -
I could've had moments when I could've said, "You know what? Let me make another film; this is taking a long time to get distributed." It can be difficult to stay passionate. You have to be that passionate and be prepared for it to get what it deserves. Make sure you have a really good team going in at the beginning and don't have people in your team that aren't there 100%.
-- Storm Saulter
Shammiji is said to be India's answer to Elvis Presley, but I say that Elvis Presley is America's answer to Shammi Kapoor. The mark of a good actor is the belief with which he gives a shot and Shammiji gave his each shot with a strong belief and that makes him a great actor of all times.
With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge - we'll make it a thing of the past.
I like people with depth, I like people with emotion, I like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also someone that can make me smile.
Humor and absurdism are inevitable. If you look at our current massive flow of consumer products and digital communication and related media from a sort of astute perspective and carefully state what you see you can't help but sounding like you're joking.
You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.
People are gonna look up to me because I'm young, black, and female.
When you get a little older, you'll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species.
Why should human females become sterile in their forties, while female crocodiles continue to lay eggs into their third century?
LAP, n. One of the most important organs of the female system - an admirable provision of nature for the repose of infancy, but chiefly useful in rural festivities to support plates of cold chicken and heads of adult males.
The creator and arbiter of beauty is the heart; to the male rattlesnake the female rattlesnake is the loveliest thing in nature.