Jons Jacob Berzelius famous quotes


  • Order, thou eye of action.

  • When I make a photograph I want it to be an altogether new object, complete and self-contained, whose basic condition is order (unlike the world of events and actions whose permanent condition is change and disorder).

  • In order for answers to become clear, the questions have to be clear.

  • What's my favourite food? One you order out.

  • A false idea is not only one which is absolutely subjective but one which is absolutely objective.

  • It came about as follows: over the years when I was involved in dianetics, I wrote the beginnings of many stories. I would get an idea, and then write the beginning, and then never touch it again.

  • We must see what in the Israeli identity - in the Israeli - we can give to other people rather than speaking so often of taking, expanding territory.

  • Give crowns and pounds and guineas But not your heart away; Give pearls away and rubies, But keep your fancy free.

  • I love it when the Bible gives Emily Post-like tips that are both wise and easy to follow.

  • He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas.