Gil Kalai famous quotes


  • I have tons of sunglasses. My husband won't let me buy another pair because I lose them all the time.

  • My parents lived likeas the neighbours described thema pair of chopsticks, always in harmony.

  • The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness.

  • And marking off time struck me as something like counting empty spaces—spaces you know can't ever be filled.

  • If we start counting our chickens before they hatch, they won't lay any eggs in the basket

  • Counting pairs is the oldest trick in combinatorics... Every time we count pairs, we learn something from it.

  • He's my client, and he's counting on me. I'll take him, warts and all.

  • You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you.

  • People want to see something that shows them you can do what you say. That's the trick.

  • I had the fleeting thought then that we are each of us pathetic in one way or another, and the trick is to marry a person whose patheticness you can tolerate.

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