Shawn Marion famous quotes


  • No I or individual is better than the team. I've scored no goals just on my own. Every goal I've ever scored has been because of someone else on my team, their excellence, their bravery. And I'm kind of the end product of a collection of a really good vibe, and feeling, and creativity on the field.

  • Regarding stickyfish teams, I favor the Bigfield Fighting Koobish.

  • Any time you end a relationship, and everyone has ended plenty in their life, it's always a tough thing and hard to get over.

  • I often went entire days without speaking - unable to get a word in over my inner taskmaster, who never shut up: “You fat, disgusting slob, you'll never be thin enough, good enough, smart enough, tough or talented enough.

  • And still the time, especially in the economy, is very tough, very difficult. It's necessary to be active still, to work, to fight, to make our economy more competitive.

  • I always knew mum loved me - tough, look-after-yourself love, as if she knew she wouldn't always be there.

  • Sometimes I hear a drum groove in my head and I rush down to my studio.

  • If you listen to a lot of old funk records, the drums are really small. But you don't perceive it like that because the groove is so heavy.

  • When knowledge is missing all other attributes have no grooves in which to rest.

  • With Schubert, a lot of the melodies are very simple, but he's in this groove. He's in touch with his heart.

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