Robert Kanigher famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Directors, producers can make you look good or make you look bad.

  • I got as much information as I could, so I wouldn't look stupid, but this is a post 9/11 world and there's only so much you can do with the FBI in terms of research.

  • Wait, so @ToysRUs pulled all of the Breaking Bad figures from their shelves and still sells Barbie? Hmmmm...I wonder what is more damaging?

  • I did not ask for success; I asked for wonder.

  • I would love to play Wonder Woman on the big screen.

  • When someone gets a success, and we, too, have done good work and sometimes even better work than the person who has just triumphed, we wonder: Why did success pass me by?

  • My sense of god is my sense of wonder about the universe.

  • God has strewn our paths with wonders and we certainly should not go through life with our eyes shut

  • If faith itself has different dresses worn, What wonder modes in wit should take their turn?

  • Because of her singing they all went away feeling moved, feeling comforted, feeling, perhaps, the slightest tremors of faith.

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