Lauren Iungerich famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • A community is democratic only when the humblest and weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic, and social rights that the biggest and most powerful possess.

  • I suspect that here theists and atheists would agree: Human beings have within them the ability to choose evil or good. We wake up each day facing the age-old struggle of good and evil. In some situations, mental illness clouds our judgment.

  • Man has become great through struggle

  • I began to study again, and now for the first time really achieved an understanding of the content of the Jew Karl Marx's life effort. Only now did his Capital become really intelligible to me, and also the struggle of the Social Democracy against the national economy, which aims only to prepare the ground for the domination of truly international finance and stock exchange capital.

  • The stronger person is not the one making the most noise but the one who can quietly direct the conversation toward defining and solving problems.

  • When I have one week to solve a seemingly impossible problem, I spend six days defining the problem. Then, the solution becomes obvious.

  • I'm not a big fan of identity politics and sort of picking one thing and defining yourself with it.

  • Whenever you have a proclamation of being chosen, it's always a self-defining process. It's always the people who are chosen who say they are chosen. They never say that about the other. If you're going to say, "I'm chosen," it loads you with a very heavy burden.

  • I don't like defining myself. I just am.

  • I'm definitely responsible for the image that I put out there. But it does become frustrating, because I don't want 'sexy' to be my defining characteristic. I'd love for my ambition and will and intellect and sense of humour to define me as well.

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