Edmund Beecher Wilson famous quotes


  • I ended up getting a lion chain. I had to make my own mascot - I want to start my own dynasty eventually.

  • I just remember I wanted to make my own dynasty and not keep following trends. I wanted to make my own.

  • I don't like dynasty and legacy. But I think there's a period in the U.S. history where Bushes have been in the forefront.

  • Coaches who let a championship team back off from becoming a dynasty are cowards.

  • Evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness.

  • History is not Time; nor is evolution. They are both consequences. Time is a state: the flame in which there lives the salamander of the human soul

  • The true work of art is always on the human scale. It is essentially the one that says, 'less.

  • I never had any big dreams about doing something on a huge scale.

  • History is neither more nor less than biography on a large scale.

  • Our individual life is brief, and perhaps the whole life of mankind will be brief if measured in astronomical scale