Goronwy Rees famous quotes
50 minutes ago
When you become used to never being alone, you may consider yourself Americanised
London, dirty little pool of life
False humility is more insulting than open pride!
I'm healthy as an ox. And you?" "To compare myself with a bovine would be both ridiculous and insulting, but I'm fit as ever, if that is what you are asking.
What's troubling is that the Republicans to defend Mr. DeLay are weakening the ethics process.
Patience is the ability to accept trouble, suffering, delay without getting angry or upset, I feel like if you can master patience you can master anything.
One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure.
If there is delay in getting culling teams out, delay in any part of the chain, even weeks, that could have great implications for the virus to spread.
If there had been a strong democratic sentiment in Germany, Hitler would never have come to power . [Germans] deserved what they got when they went round crying for a hero.
Here in Spain, there are Argentine Jews, children and grandchildren of immigrants of Jews who fled Germany or Austria in the thirties, and in the seventies during the dictatorship, they had to go into exile again.
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