Earle Combs famous quotes


  • The banishment for life of Pete Rose from baseball is a sad end if a sorry episode. One of the game's greatest players has engaged in a variety of acts which have stained the game, and he must now live with the consequences of those acts. There is absolutely no deal for reinstatement.

  • I'm a bass player from way back and Paul is a guitar player and we've been in many bands.

  • I can't be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player that's what I wanted. I wanted feedback, I wanted communication from the boss. I showed up for work, you can yell at me if you want, but I want input. So that's the kind of coach I want to be.

  • I consider Mr. Morphy the finest chess player who ever existed. He is far superior to any now living, and would doubtless have beaten Labourdonnais himself. In all his games with me, he has not only played, in every instance, the exact move, but the most exact. He never makes a mistake; but, if his adversary commits the slightest error, he is lost.

  • Lampard's not the first player to run to the crowd with lips over his mouth.

  • the apathy and inattention of the average citizen is beyond comprehension.

  • Maybe I'm delusional but I'm usually funny. It's not 100% but I have a pretty good batting average.

  • That's referee Mike Reed's 50th booking of the season, which works out at an average of six a game.

  • Baseball needs more superstars.

  • If you take a bunch of superstars and put them in a room where they don't have their assistants and entourage, it's funny to see what happens.

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