Moses Thatcher famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The worst sorrows in life are not in its losses and misfortunes, but its fears.

  • And when you, O human, will return to Nature, that day your eyes will open, you will stare straight into the eyes of Nature and in its mirror you will see your image. You will knowthat when you hid from Nature, you hid from yourselfWe who have been turned away from Nature - if we desire life, we must establish a new relationship with Nature.

  • A city with one newspaper... is like a man with one eye, and often the eye is glass.

  • I don't like it when people don't look me dead in the eye. I move my head around trying to catch their eye.

  • We must develop huge demonstrations, because the world is used to big dramatic affairs. They think in terms of hundreds of thousands and millions and billions... Billions of dollars are appropriated at the twinkling of an eye. Nothing little counts.

  • If you change your attitude you will change how you see the world and discover the potential it has simply through opening up your eyes to C Differently

  • As I took a step toward him your eyes met mine and I saw the silent pleading for forgiveness or acceptance. I wasn't sure which. All I knew was you were Sawyer's now. My best friend was gone. I envied him and hated him for the first time that day. He'd finaly won the one prize I thought was mine.

  • It will be thought that I am acting strangely in concerning myself at this day with what appears at first sight and simply a well-known method of fortune-telling.

  • The sight or sound of perfect things causes a certain suffering.

  • If you find yourself born in Barnsley and then set your sights on being Virginia Woolf it is not going to be roses all the way.