Kendra Kassebaum famous quotes


  • A country scratching a lazy irritation at sagging doorjambs and late trains, whose greatest attribute is a collective, smelly tolerance, where a chap will put up with almost everything, which means he won't care about anything enough to get out of a chair.A country of public insouciance and private, grubby guilt, where you can believe anything as long as you don't believe it too fervently. A country where the highest aspiration is for a quiet life.

  • I still secretly believe that afternoons are the time for the test card and you shouldn't watch television when the sun is out.

  • I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true

  • I was a narrative historian, believing more and more as I matured that the first function of the historian was to answer the child's question, "What happened next?

  • Finlay was the godfather of a problem that's rampant everywhere today. He called the people who made his work 'collaborators'... nowadays it's 'fabricators'... talented people who are grateful, desperate and thwarted. There's plenty of them.

  • The rains are rhythmic, coming religiously in the afternoons (after lunch has been eaten but before tea, so that the nights are washed clean-black with bright pinpoints of silver starlight hanging over a restless, grateful earth).

  • Be happy, noble heart, be blessed for all the good thou hast done and wilt do hereafter, and let my gratitude remain in obscurity like your good deeds.

  • There is not a command God gives to His children for which He does not provide the enablement for obedience.

  • The science of anti-Semitism finally comes to explain this phenomenon, enlightening further the consciousness of people, fully satisfying their instinct and its violent eruptions thus legitimized by revealing their cause - the parasitism of the Jews. Thus it gives us the formula of the scientific solution for the problem of Judaism, which in order to realize we have only to apply.

  • He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas.

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