Charles Bartlett Johnson famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • We have now recently launched the national integrity plan.

  • Honor is better than honors.

  • Let me be clear: Any new approach must ensure the integrity of the game. One of my most important responsibilities as commissioner of the NBA is to protect the integrity of professional basketball and preserve public confidence in the league and our sport. I oppose any course of action that would compromise these objectives. But I believe that sports betting should be brought out of the underground and into the sunlight where it can be appropriately monitored and regulated

  • Lying is done with words and also with silence.

  • The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.

  • The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite. Without this, it is impossible to accumulate, within the allotted span, enough experience of eating to have anything worth setting down.

  • There are some vile and contemptible men who, allowing themselves to be conquered by misfortune, seek a refuge in death.

  • So when I say that I am a refugee, you must understand that there is no refuge.

  • You are your own refuge There is no other You cannot save another You can only save yourself.

  • Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.

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